Useful advice on working from home during the coronavirus period

Working from home can bring some benefits, but also some pitfalls, so we'd like to give you some advice. Of course, it will vary from person to person. The most important thing to remember is to find what helps you stay focused while your work stays separate from your home life.

To start, you must have a separate workspace. It does not have to be a specialized office with closed doors, which is not even possible in smaller living areas. It should be an area that mentally prepares you for a working model, be it a separate room, a small table located in the corner of the living room or a laptop at the end of the kitchen table. Ideally, this would be a place where you do not want to relax, such as your bedroom or sofa, and a place that other members of your household know is designed to work.

Once you find a separate workspace, you must specify a routine. Try to start working every day at the same time if possible and schedule breaks (including meals) around the same time if possible. Ideally, try to get some outdoor time once a day, have a coffee or take a walk with your dog so you don't have to go crazy. Besides, as part of your routine, try to work regularly with your co-workers. Chatting in messaging applications such as WhatsApp, and holding meetings with Zoom or another video application are two quick and easy ways to stay in the loop. However, don't leave email the only way you communicate with colleagues. Finally, try to stop working at the same time. Organize and plan your day. Maintaining balance is one of the most difficult aspects of working from home. At the same time, the organization helps you keep you on track so you don't work too or too little.

To maintain your sense of routine and work, try dressing as you go to work. Of course, it is normal that you can wear whatever you want. But work clothes will help you maintain a sense of work vs relaxation. Also, be sure to take the time to get up and walk away from your desk at regular intervals to stretch your legs and whole body. At the same time, make sure your work area is well lit so you don't have to stretch your eyes. The American Ophthalmology Academy recommends the 20-20-20 rule: look away from the screen every 20 minutes and focus your eyes at something 20 feet for 20 seconds. Organize and plan your day. Maintaining balance is one of the most difficult aspects of working from home. At the same time, the organization helps you keep you on track so you don't work too or too little. Also, maintain a healthy lifestyle. Working at home tends to lend a sedentary lifestyle, not to mention the proximity of the kitchen and the refrigerator, so weight gain is a problem for many people. Remember to schedule a time for regular exercise, maintain healthy snacks throughout the house, and don't forget to drink plenty of water.

In all seriousness, make sure everyone in your family (children, parents, spouses, and anyone else) knows that when you work, you are not available to engage in idle chitchat or housework that takes a lot of time. Don't be distracted. Create boundaries in your home that your family members understand.

The key to working from home is clear communication with your boss. So you should know what is expected of you. Communicate with your boss and home team with face-to-face communications like video calls, Skype, Zoom to help reduce loneliness. Loneliness can make people feel less motivated and less productive. Besides, prolonged isolation can also have a potential impact on morale and productivity. It is therefore suggested to teams to maintain the appearance of normality and camaraderie in unconventional ways, such as a virtual pizzeria or drinking Turkish coffee together on Slack or Skype. Moreover, support the idea of ​​translating office social activities into an online environment. It adds a bit of lightness and lightness to an otherwise difficult environment.

Yüce Yazılım wishes you the results and the avoidance of excitement, from creating a good workspace to the way you talk to your boss and team.

 Stay home.

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