DHL Will Start Using A Robot From Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics is primarily associated with the four-legged robot Spot.  However, the company has a variety of robots.  In the last few years, it has expanded into the world of logistics, which appears to be one of the most lucrative branches of modern logistics.

The first commercial purchase of the Stretch machine for pallet stacking took place, which indicates a successful entry into the industry. The robot will be tested in the warehouses of DHL, which is investing $ 15 million in Boston Dynamics.  The warehouses will first be located in North America in the next three years.  The operation of the robots should start in the spring of this year.  Stretch robots will be used primarily when unloading trucks.

Among other things, the company has made it known that it plans to use more Boston Dynamics robots for other tasks in the future.  As the logistics industry has faced a huge shortage of manpower recently, robots, therefore, offer themselves as an elegant solution.

How do you imagine the Stretch robot?  This is a huge robotic arm on a mobile base.  This arm has seven degrees in which it can move.  It has several suction cups with which it can grip and move loads with a maximum weight of 23 kilograms.  The robot includes several cameras, navigation sensors and a battery that keeps it running for eight hours, after which it needs to be recharged.

At first glance, Stretch may seem simpler than Spot, but that's not entirely true.  Although its construction does not seem too complicated, the robot must be able to manipulate objects within complex 3D manoeuvres and at the same time move in difficult conditions.  Individual loads vary in shape, size, but also weight.  It is possible to say that this robot had to learn the basic motor skills that had been evolving in humans for millions of years.

Together we can think about how robots could be further used in the automation sector.  You can share your ideas or opinions with us in the comments or send us a message

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